The 1st March roll was 1286 (3rd form=274, 4th form=307; 5th form=276; 6th form=270; 7th form=156). The 3rd form intake for 1992 is expected to drop to 225.
The Spotswood College community was saddened when it learnt of the passing of its founder Principal Mr. Alex McPhail on 29th June.
The Maori Studies room "Whaitata" was opened in February and for the English and Maths departments and 6th formers in their new surrounds in 'S' block.
The bad news was that due to budget cuts it is unlikely that Stage 2 of the development programme (A Block) will not proceed. After being recognised as a priority school for major capital and maintenance works, Spotswood College has now been placed at the bottom of the priority list.
Maori Culture group:-"Te Ropu-O-Whaitata". Bronwyn Knightly and Claudine Whitaker are the first Spotswood students to participate in regional competitions for Nga Manu Korero-"Korimako".
In early-July, 20 Students take part in the annual OPC trip to Turangi.
Colin Hartigan (a Canadian exchange student) does the Spirit of New Zealand course.
Major production:- "The Golden Masque of Agamemnon" that was produced by 7th former Fleur Gaston.
Amateur Radio Club ZL2UZ continues with 20 members.